Choosing Beautiful Jewelry

Choosing Beautiful Jewelry

3 Guidelines For Selecting The Perfect Engagement Ring

Bertha Garza

If you're ready to propose to your partner, one thing that you need to do before you pop the question is select the perfect engagement ring. Even though an engagement ring doesn't equal or prove the love you have for your partner, it does indicate that you've taken the time and effort to select a ring that's suited to their tastes. Follow these guidelines for selecting the perfect engagement ring.

1. Ask Your Partner What Kind of Ring They'd Like

Unless you're positive that you know what kind of jewelry your partner likes, it's a smart idea to seek their input regarding what kind of ring they'd prefer. Most engagement rings cost thousands of dollars; you don't want to expend such a large sum of money only to have your partner be unhappy with the ring you present to them. Unfortunately, if you have to sell an engagement ring on the secondary market, you won't recoup its original purchase price. 

In addition to inquiring about what kind of jewelry style your partner prefers, try to learn what traits they value the most in a ring. Would they prefer a smaller diamond with better color and clarity? Do they want a band with pave diamonds, or would they prefer a plain band and a larger central diamond? Is a diamond their preferred engagement stone? Ask questions to help you figure out what characteristics are most important to them. 

2. Set Your Budget

Determine your budget for an engagement ring before you start shopping. When you're searching for the perfect ring, it's easy to get caught up in the moment and spend a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars more than your specified budget in hopes of making your partner happy. Set your budget and stick to it. 

3. Decide If You Want to Repurpose a Diamond or Precious Gemstone

Some individuals have jewelry that they've inherited from family members. Though it's possible to propose with an inherited engagement ring if you believe it suits your partner's tastes, another option is to take the stone and reset it into a new ring. 

If you want to have the stone reset, you must decide if you want to incorporate any other stones into the design of the ring. For example, if you have a large diamond from your great-grandma's engagement ring, you could reset the ring in a three-stone setting so that it's transformed into a piece your partner will love. 

Contact a company like Staples Jewelry today to learn more. 


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About Me
Choosing Beautiful Jewelry

I have always been someone who loves to look great for work, but about six months ago I was surprised when a coworker pulled me aside. She talked with me about how loud my jewelry was looking, and she explained that more than a few clients had complained about it. I realized that she was right, so I started looking for classier pieces of jewelry that very day. It was incredible to see how big of a difference a few small shopping trips made. Check out this blog for great information about choosing beautiful, simple jewelry that you will love forever.
